Is it funny!?
Blog senza presunzioni di uno studioso di cultura e società cinese. Troverete qui reportage dalla Cina, racconti di viaggio, pagine di diario, serate goliardiche, sviolinate politico-ideologiche, dibattiti intellettuali e non so cos'altro ancora. 大家好! 我是中国文化与当代社会的一位意大利博士研究生。我爱旅游,写作,看书。其次,我爱这两句话:"世界人民大团结万岁!" 与 "革命不是请客吃饭!"。Welcome everybody in this small free space regarding Chinese culture and society, international politics, academic world, travels and much much more.
Splendido attico, in tema di zanzare e frastuono sparato dentro con tanto di tendine stile lenzuola dell'evaso. Ci piace. Andrebbe anche tutto bene. Manca un po' la puzza di tabacco, il vicino transessuale con la suocera incinta, un paio di santini e il libro in affitto, Agata Christie. Tutto sommato ci possiamo anche starci bene anche. Però. In caso contrario, piccola, le vie per andare a fare in culo sono infinite. Come quelle di qualcunaltro di non ricordo bene il nome. Io sciolgo le mie mutande qui. Sì, sono d'accordo anche io, magari un po' più di sudiciume come quella volta a Il Cairo, gente un po' più squattrinata, troppi colletti con le scarpe troppo pulite. Capisco, capisco. Danno fastidio anche a me. In compenso però risparmiamo sulla luce elettrica. La notte è abbagliata a giorno, le insegne dei locali ma poi che cazzo locali, un clarinettista per caso, i Parà della Folgore, camionisti dall'est e quelle cosine con rossetto e tacchi a spillo in attesa della loro prima mestruazione. Rimangio tutto. Decisamente meglio di quella notte a Il Cairo. E poi sai a cosa pensavo?! Quel viaggiatore solitario che ho perso per strada. Sarebbe stato in grado di addormentarsi anche in una vasca di piranha, poi improvvisamente perse quel non so cosa, arrancava ad ogni salita, non mordeva più la strada né andava all'assalto dell'ultimo vagone treno merci, si spense dentro e fuori e non cercava più neanche la sua solitudine. E, peggio d'ogni altra cosa, non si fermava più ad osservare. "Due cremini al cioccolato. E un kalashnikov, per la piccola...".
Il barone Fanfulla da Lodi, condottiero di gran rinomanza, fu condotto una sera in istanza, da una donna di facile amor.
Era nuova ai certami d'amore, di fanfulla la casta alabarda, ma alla vista di tanta bernarda, prese il brando e si mise a pugnar.
E cavalca, cavalca, cavalca, alla fine Fanfulla si accascia, al risveglio la turpe bagascia, "Cento scudi mi devi tu dar".
Vaffancul, vaffancul, vaffanculo, le risponde Fanfulla incazzato, venti scudi già ieri ti ho dato, ed il resto lo prendi nel cul
Passa un giorno, due giorni, tre giorni, e a Fanfulla gli prude l'uccello, cos'è mai questo male novello, che natura ci vuole donar?
Fu chiamato un famoso dottore, quello venne e poi disse: "Fanfulla, qui bisogna amputare una palla, se di scolo non vuoi tu morir"
La morale di questa vicenda, si riduce alla legge del menga: chi l'ha preso nel cul se lo tenga, ed impari ad usare il goldon!
Canzone goliardica "Fanfulla da Lodi", condottiero italiano a cavallo tra quattro e cinquecento
"If a woman’s head and a man’s head are actually the same, and there is no real difference between a woman’s waist and man’s, why must women have their hair piled up in those ostentatious and awkward buns? Why must they wear those messy skirts cinched tightly at the waist? I think women are regarded as criminals to start with, and tall buns and long skirts are the instruments of torture applied to them by men. There is also their facial makeup, which is the brand of a criminal; the jewelry on their hands, which constitutes shackles; and their pierced ears and bound feet, which represent corporal punishment. Schools and families are their prisons. They dare not voice their pain, nor step out from behind closed doors. If we ask, how can they escape this suffering, my answer is, only by raising a women’s revolutionary army"
Mao Zedong, about women and appearance, 1919
"The Changeling" (in English, with English and Chinese subtitles), "is based on the true story of a woman who is reunited with her kidnapped son — only to realize he is an impostor".
Militarizzazioni, spese per la Difesa che aumentano, nucleare. C'è puzza di Guerra Fredda. E l'esercito yankee sempre in prima fila. Stati Uniti, Corea del sud e Giappone in paranoia per le esercitazioni militari della sempre più incomprensibile Corea del Nord. Dov'erano gli americani quando i francesi testavano il nuclare a Mururoa!?
p.s. Cina, ridacci YouTube cazzo!!
Anarchism and Sexuality in Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking countries
Deadline - 30.06.2009
Anarchism and Sexuality conference, Leeds, 19th February 2010.
The aim of this conference is to explore the connections between anarchist thought and activism in regions of extensive uptake of anarchist ideas, e.g. Spain, Portugal and Latin America, with respect to an important area of anarchist ideas and practice: sexuality.This is an under-studied area in anarchist historiography and other disciplines, such as history of labour movements, and this is particularly the case in some understudied countries within these regions (especially Portugal and Brazil). As areas with large anarchist movements, they offer telling examples of how anarchism engaged with this important question.Sexuality was taken up by anarchist movements as an example of their attempt to interconnect cultural, social and economic questions and forms of exploitation and as a response to broad issues of power differentials between men and women in society, the role of the Catholic Church and as an attempt to live and experience cultural change as part of the overall challenge anarchist movements have provided against capitalist social relations.This is relevant not just on a historical level but also has relevance to current debates on the relations between politics, sexuality, cultural change and identities. We invite papers on historical as well as present day intersections between anarchism and sexuality, and their implications for anarchist or libertarian practice. We would also encourage contributions on Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking Asia and Africa and their respective anarchist movements.In addition to providing a forum for the discussion of the legacy and the present of anarchist thought, the conference aims to allow for a critical engagement with current theories that derive from the realities of countries generally unknown in British critical thinking, political science and sociology, not to speak of gender and sexuality studies.Please send abstracts of no more than 200 words or expressions of interest to Gwendolyn Windpassinger ( or Richard Cleminson ( by Tuesday, 30th of June, 2009.
Richard Cleminson (University of Leeds)
Gwendolyn Windpassinger (Loughborough University)
"Appunti dalla Cina
Presentazione del libro di Anita Capozzi e Patrizia Galli
28 marzo, ore 16.00 Teatro dell'Istituto Italiano di Cultura
Se vi interessa leggere cosa è successo alle pensioni nel dopo-Mao, quali siano le considerazioni dei genitori pechinesi quando decidono la scuola per il figlio, come vive un mingong (lavoratori migranti) o l'importanza dello hukou (residenza) per un cittadino, questo è il libro per voi. La professoressa Marina Timoteo, docente di Diritto privato comparato presso l'Università di Bologna e direttore dell'Istituto Confucio a Bologna, presenterà il libro insieme a Patrizia Galli, una delle autrici. "
"芭特里奇·加里,作者之一,将与波洛尼亚大学私权比较学玛丽娜·迪莫多奥教授共同为大家介绍这本书。 关于本书后毛泽东时代,普通家庭的生活是怎样的?在北京,父母在为孩子选择学校的时候都考虑些什么?民工的生存状态如何?户口对一个人有多么重要?如果你有兴趣了解这些,那么这本书正是为你所写。
日期: 2009年3月28日
时间: 16:00
地点: 意大利文化处剧场
组织者: 意大利文化处
Nascita del bambin Gesù...
Giuseppe: - E pensare che vivrà solo 33 anni...
Maria: - Beh, per essere un Palestinese è già tanto!
Manganellate a Bergamo, manganellate a Pisa, manganellate a Roma, manganellate a Barcelona... manganellate per tutti i gusti, per tutte le guste!
Un video da una televisione catalana, scontri a Barcelona. Il tizio incappucciato è di Macerata, evidentemente quelle che prendeva in Italia non gli bastavano, tutti in Spagna scappano i migliori, ahahaha! Grande fratello grande!
leader at China Galaxy said: "Who cares about labor rights? Do they [transnational corporations] really care about our working conditions? In times of rushed production, we're obliged to violate the code"
The day after it’s Panmunjom (Military Demarcation Line)’s turn. It’s at the border line with South Korea, two hours by bus from Pyongyang. The highway is always full of holes and army check points. The border line which divide the Korean peninsula is 248 km long and 4 km wide. After the war in 1950, the two parts managed an armistice, discussed and signed it in a small house here in Panmunjom. The two countries are still officially in war. According to DPRK, U.S. army and corrupted South Korean government don’t allow the reunification of the peninsula, ruling a dictatorship against the interest of Korean people and menacing the north and free part of Korea with military actions. Mr. Jin and some soldiers brought us to the border line, telling us to not take picture of military stuff and pay attention to American and South Korean army, cause it’s not a safe place. The Military Demarcation Line is the area in the world with the biggest amount of soldiers.
The second day we left the hotel and go by bus to the center of the city. We took pictures of the National Library (really cool one, looks like a little part of Chinese Forbidden City) and some monuments. Mr. Jin demanded us to buy flower (one euro for bouquet) to put in front of the Mansuade Grand Monument (huge bronze statue of “Great Leader” Kim Il-sung and dozens of farmers, soldiers and workers fighting for the socialist revolution in Korea). Than he demanded us to bow, in sign of respect. It has been really embarrassing for me, if I think of how many people died in Italy for my freedom and to avoid that in 2009 an Italian could still bow in front of any mother fucker. But still, I didn’t want to give any problem to Mr. Jin, and watching around I saw huge groups of Korean workers marching as soldiers, forming precise teams and bowing in front of their leader. And here the ancestral question: is it belief in something or fear for something else?!
No eagles in the sky of Democratic Korea
(On the way to North Korea... I do really hope to get there. And be back in a few days, as well. Let's keep the fingers crossed! See you all!)
"the most important source of social support for pre- marital sexual intercourse comes from the parents of young men. Premarital sex not only reduces the financial burden of wedding costs, but it also virtually insures the marriage. Thus, parents of young men often encourage their sons to engage in premarital in- tercourse. In Wuhan, the new term "mother's lock" (popo shang suo) best illustrates this phenomenon. This refers to the practice whereby, in order to encourage her son to have sex with his girl- friend, a mother locks the young couple inside the bedroom"