倪玉兰的故事 Story of the Chinese human rights lawyer Ni Yulan

2002年4月27日上午,倪玉兰因拍摄北京西城区新街口大四条55号强拆现场,而被警察拉到新街口派出所殴打,致其“大小便失禁、多次昏迷”。后警方以倪玉兰“阻碍办公秩序”为由,要求将其行政拘留10 天。7月3日,西城公安分局以倪玉兰“涉嫌妨害公务罪”向西城检察院提请逮捕。7月10日,西城检察院将案卷退回西城公安分局,当天倪春兰才得以回家,期间被拘留75天。随后倪玉兰开始上访。9月27日,倪玉兰试图向北京市人大常委会反应冤情,被新街口派出所民警刘俊杰、闫修建殴打,致其摔断尾骨,并将其关押。11月14日,西城区人民检察院对倪玉兰提起公诉。11月27日,西城区法院以“妨害公务罪”判处倪玉兰有期徒刑一年,其律师资格被吊销。狱中,她得到了法轮功狱友的照顾,但因为伤势没有得到救治,此后落下残疾,双腿无法行走,生活已不能自理。2003年7月12日,倪玉兰获释。此后继续上访维权,也继续受到警方的打压,根据她的陈述,2003年10月15日她又被警察李楠等人抓进新街口派出所“非法拘禁”三天共50个小时;从2004年7月27日至2006年3月16日,她失去人身自由长达597天。"
来源:维基百科 - 倪玉兰
"Yulan Ni was once a human rights lawyer residing in the capitol of China: Beijing. When her neighbors' house was confronted with forced demolishment and removal to make way for the Olympic, she took pictures for evidence and was arrested. She was beaten to handicapped and kept in jail without trial and without cure to her wounds for over a year. When she finally got out of jail, her handicap was permanent.
She stayed free until 2008, when her own home became the demolition target. When the policeman (Xiao Wei, male) took off her pants and tried to harass her, she resisted. Handicapped, Ni was accused as attacking the police and put in jail for two years this time.
In the prison, she was denied usage of a walking stick by the guards and had to crawl on the floor to go to restroom and to attend forced labors.
When she finally got out of the prison, her belongings are all lost together with her house. She and her husband are currently living in a tent near a park in the Capitol of China."
Source and video: Vimeo