Peasants' power, peasants' revolution
“Witnessing the power of the peasants first-hand, I began to understand how Mao has defeated Chiang Kai-shek and his British and American weapons with their help.”
Xin Ran “The Good Women of China”
Blog senza presunzioni di uno studioso di cultura e società cinese. Troverete qui reportage dalla Cina, racconti di viaggio, pagine di diario, serate goliardiche, sviolinate politico-ideologiche, dibattiti intellettuali e non so cos'altro ancora. 大家好! 我是中国文化与当代社会的一位意大利博士研究生。我爱旅游,写作,看书。其次,我爱这两句话:"世界人民大团结万岁!" 与 "革命不是请客吃饭!"。Welcome everybody in this small free space regarding Chinese culture and society, international politics, academic world, travels and much much more.
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