Monday, February 23, 2009

About feminism and women sexuality in China

Here you are the opinion of a Chinese friend, Zhao Ying, female, from Guangzhou (Canton) about feminism and women sexuality in China. Really interesting and enlightening I think:

我觉得其实现在女性还是比较不方便表达自己的性欲的。第一我觉得中国男人的性欲不会像西方人那么旺盛,也可能身体状况不如西方人吧,他们的忍耐力可厉害了。如果女孩子要求太多,太多表达自己需要sex,会让男人觉得很受威胁的。第二,中国男人传统的来说还是比较喜欢含羞,欲言又止,欲拒还迎的传统挑逗方法(flirt),如果女孩太open了,太热情了,会让中国男人失去兴趣了,简直就会不举(not going up)。

And this, by Michelle Zhang, from Tianjin:

Market opening-up policy,economic development,globalization,higher education,feminist... 都直接带动了中国的发展,解放了人们的思想,人们逐渐认识到了 sex 也是一种权利,而且不仅仅是为了生育,也是生活的一种享受。 关于同性恋或者两性恋的问题,确实也是个人的权利,不应该作为illegal的事情来看待。我也可以理解一些这样的想法,但是在发展过程中教育是至关重要的,直接影响到人们是否正确的认识,看待Sexuality。在一些大城市,受过高等教育的一些人们,我觉得他们中的大部分会正确的看待这件事情。随着大趋势的发展,一些没有受过高等教育的人,也会有好奇的心理,或者其他一些别的原因,因此也会在婚前或者单身时期“享受”sexuality,但是却不能正确的对待认识其中的道理。在这种情况下就大大增加了同性恋,双性恋,以及日后的婚外恋。我觉得相对来讲,也会间接或者直接的影响到社会的健康发展,影响到一部分人的人生观价值观,我认为其影响会非常大。所以对于解放思想,受教育的问题上应该进一步重视,政府或者社会还是应该正确引导年轻人。sexuality不是一个单独的社会活动,正如经济发展,改革开放带来性解放是一个道理,在发展的过程中我们应该多讨论多学习多认识性问题。 在信息时代,从网络上可以搜集到各种各样的信息,无论好的坏的,都会渐渐的影响到社会影响到人们的思想,针对于中国的现状,必须承认有相当一部分人未受过高等教育,所以,我认为在中国现在社会来看,特定的时间,政府也是有必要对于这些信息散播进行一定的控制。

And this one, by Li Xian, from Sichuan:

I am really happy with people's changing attitudes toward sex: It is regarded as a pursuit of happiness and premarital sex is no longer seen as immoral. But I am also concerned that young people are more casual with sex especially if they simply copy what they have seen from western movies. It is sad for them. I really appreciate some traditional part of my culture. For gays, it is a joke if you say a respect for differentiation and diversity are now well established and perhaps even flourishing in an atmosphere of confidence and optimism. As what I have seen, gay culture is still underground and people are never as tolerant as you think. The good thing is that Internet and club culture have provided them communities. Feminist-I really doubt there is real feminist existing in China. More and more people are aware of gender equality but society still remains as male-ruled and most women follow the rule. I admit that women are more respected as people are more civilized and educated.To conclude, there are great improvement we can see for people's attitude toward sex and gender but still a long way to go. Women need more self-discovery.


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