Friday, March 02, 2012

人民群众的改革16条 China: the Revolution in 16 points

1. 根据广大人民群众的要求,公布一切官员个人及家族财产并说明其来源;将一切“裸官”清除出党政干部队伍。
1. That the personal and family wealth of all officials be publicized and their source clarified, and all "naked bureaucrats" be expelled from the Party and the government. ("Naked bureaucrats" refer to those officials whose family lives in developed countries and whose assets have been transferred abroad, leaving nothing but him/herself in China.)

2. 全国人大切实履行立法监督职能,全面审查国务院近年的经济政策,维护国家经济安全。
2. That the National Congress concretely exercises its legislative and monitory function, comprehensively review the economic policies implemented by the state council, and defend our national economic security.

3. 统一全民退休养老保险制度,消除企事业退休人员待遇差别;官员公务员退休养老纳入普通社会保险系统。
3. That the existing pension plans be consolidated and retirees be treated equally regardless of sector and rank.

4. 在全国实行12年全免费义务教育;大幅提高农村教师待遇,消除城乡教育资源差别;国家负责救济、抚养流浪乞讨儿童。
4. That elementary and secondary education be provided free of charge throughout the country; compensation for rural teachers be substantially raised and educational resources be allocated on equal terms across urban and rural areas; and the state assume the responsibility of raising and educating vagrant youth.

5. 降低高校教育收费,逐步实现公办高校财政全拨款、完全免费。
5. That the charges of higher education be lowered, and public higher education gradually become fully public-funded and free of charge.

6. 将国家教育经费占国内生产总值的比重提高到世界平均水平,并在此基础上进一步增加。
6. That the proportion of state expenditure on education be increased to and beyond international average level.

7. 国家对于事关人民群众生命和健康的各项医疗收费以及药品价格实行全面的公开、计划管理;一切医疗服务以及药品价格,均由国家根据社会需要以及实际生产成本决定,并依法强制执行。
7. That the price and charge of basic and critical medicines and medical services be managed by the state in an open and planned manner; the price of all medical services and medicines should be determined and enforced by the state in view of social demand and actual cost of production.

8. 为了解决广大人民群众住不起房的问题,并缓解严重的贫富悬殊,在全国范围对所有拥有两套及两套以上的住房所有者征收高额累进房产税。
8. That heavy progressive real estate taxes be levied on owners of two or more residential housings, so as to alleviate severe financial inequality and improve housing availability.

9. 建立全国统一的反腐败网络平台,除涉及国家安全的机密以外,凡中华人民共和国公民均可以在该网络平台上自由举报、投诉一切腐败和黑恶行为;国家保证对群众举报的腐败和黑恶行为进行公开调查并及时公布处理结果。
9. That a nation-wide anti-corruption online platform be established, where all PRC citizens may file report or grievance on corruption or abuse instances; the state should investigate in openly accountable manner and promptly publicized the result.

10. 全面评估国家资源和环境安全,立即减少一切稀有战略矿产资源的出口并在几年内完全停止该类资源的出口,同时建立各种战略资源储备。
10. That the state of national resources and environmental security be comprehensively assessed, exports of rare, strategic minerals be immediately cut down and soon stopped, and reserve of various strategic materials be established.

11. 依靠十四亿中国人民自己的力量发展国民经济,而不是将市场和产业拱手让给外资;废止一切引狼入室式的“招商引资”、“非公若干条”等有利于外国资本家而不利于中国人民的错误经济政策。
11. That we pursue a self-reliant approach to economic development; any policy that serves foreign capitalists at the cost of the interest of Chinese working class should be abolished.

12. 确实贯彻执行国家的一切劳动法规,清理清查血汗工厂;对于拖欠工资的、非法用工的、劳动条件危害工人健康和安全的企业单位,依法限期整改;限期整改仍不符合法律规定的,一律关停并转。
12. That labor laws be concretely implemented, sweatshops be thoroughly investigated; enterprises with arrears of wage, illegal use of labor, or detrimental working condition should be closed down if they fail to meet legal requirements even after lawfully limited term for self-correction.

13. 煤炭工业实行全行业国有化,所有煤炭行业工人(包括职工、临时工、民工)统一享受国有职工待遇;煤炭生产绝不以牺牲煤炭职工的生命安全为代价;煤炭职工享受带薪休假;国家为煤炭职工提供公费医疗。
13. That the coal industry be nationalized across the board, all coal mine workers receive the same level of compensation as state-owned enterprise mine workers do, and enjoy paid vacation and state-funded medical service.

14. 国有企业高级经理人员,参照各级党政官员,实行财产公示制度,接受社会监督;国有企业高级经理人员的薪酬标准应由与其主管部门相应的各级人民代表大会批准。
14. That the personal and family wealth of managerial personnel in state-owned enterprises be publicized; the compensation of such personnel should be determined by the corresponding level of people's congress.

15. 取缔一切形式的“三公消费”;严格限制新的公车购置;取缔一切以“出国考察”为名的官员旅游。
15. That all governmental overhead expenses be restricted; purchase of automobile with state fund be restricted; all unnecessary traveling in the name of "research abroad" be suspended.

16. 全面清查在历次“改革”过程中造成的国有资产的巨大流失,追查相关责任人和犯罪分子,将借改革之名侵吞国有资产的国贼们悉数捉拿归案,接受人民的公开审判。
16. That the losses of public assets during the "reforms" be thoroughly traced, responsible personnel be investigated, and those guilty of stealing public properties be apprehended and openly tried.



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