Sunday, October 05, 2014

Insegnare italiano all’Università di Pechino

Qui sotto trovate l’intervista (in lingua inglese) ad una mia amica italiana che dopo anni di Pechino ha fatto ritorno in Italia. Condivide con i lettori la risposta alla domanda: “Come è insegnare la lingua italiana nella più prestigiosa università cinese?”. Buona lettura!

“Here are a few tips for academics planning to move to the Middle Kingdom:
Bear in mind that China is more of a continent than a country: do some research or talk to people to find out what the province you are planning to move to is like, and if it is really what you are looking for.
Chinese people speak Mandarin (or even just the local dialect!): the population of English learners is growing fast in China, but I think that the best way to understand their culture, and to earn some respect and acceptance, is to use Mandarin — even at a basic level.
Remember, China does not need to be forever: if you are planning to return to your home country, don’t lose touch with reality. It’s easy to be overwhelmed by the opportunities in China, but try to keep your feet on the ground and your eyes open for the way demands and changes of the international job market and move accordingly.”

Leggi tutta l’intervista qui:


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