Saturday, December 26, 2009

Chinese Contemporary Art

Beijing East Village Collective, "To Add One Metre to an Unknown Mountain" (Miaofeng Mountain), Beijing, 1995.

Image: Rossi & Rossi Ltd


At 4:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me introduce to you DSL Collection.
The DSL Collection was created in 2005 and focuses on contemporary Chinese art since 2004. It is a private collection representing 90 of the leading Chinese avant-garde artists, artists having a major influence on the development of contemporary art in China today. Even though focusing on the contemporary production of a specific culture, the collection is nevertheless not guided by the search for otherness. It admits basic cultural similarities and dispositions, however, goes beyond a simplistic approach looking for typical cultural signs and symbols.
The collection is limited to a specific number of art works - about 150 pieces - that as an entity is open to constant redefinition itself. Openness, movement and communication are basic qualities we want to promote
The collection is not only significant on a personal level, but also at a larger scale. We start from a museum approach, which means that we are collecting a wide range of media including painting, sculpture, installation, video, and photography.
But dsl collection is more then a collection it is a project.
The major tools to achieve these goals are new technologies, such as the internet and interactive programs and supports, like for example electronic books.


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