Monday, November 29, 2010

The end of State owned factories in nowadays China

参加我们的第一次电影放映 • Join us for our first film screening

賈樟柯《24城记》• Jia Zhangke's 24 City

星期四晚上7点 • 7pm Thursday
教育5号楼 • Teaching Building #5

2曾经的繁华荣耀,随着时光流转与时代变迁渐渐褪 去耀眼的光环,留下的则是无尽的落寞与慨叹。 420厂(成华集团),一座从东北迁至四川的飞机 军工厂,在特殊的年代里它曾是无数人羡慕与自豪 的所在,然而和平的气息和体制改革却将它的光鲜 逐渐销蚀。经济浪潮的冲击下,它不可避免地经历 了转型的阵痛,而今旧厂址易作他主,一片现代化 的楼宇将拔地而起。
大丽(吕丽萍 饰)、小花(陈冲 饰)、娜娜 (赵涛)以及众多新老员工见证了厂区几十年的变 迁。斗转星移,沧海桑田,万千唏嘘连同那旧日回 忆随风飘散⋯⋯

A masterful film from Jia Zhangke, the renowned director of Still Life and The World, 24 City chronicles the dramatic closing of a once-prosperous state-owned aeronautics factory in Chengdu, a city in Southwest China, and its conversion into a sprawling luxury apartment complex. Bursting with poetry, pop songs and striking visual detail, the film weaves together unforgettable stories from three generations of workers some real, some played by actors (including Joan Chen) into a vivid portrait of the human struggle behind China s economic miracle.

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You can also watch the movie here (in Chinese, with Chinese subtitles):


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