Culture is a Crowded Bridge 文化:一座拥挤的桥梁
2010年7月14日至18日,两年一度的第18界欧洲汉学学会双年会(XVIII Biennial Conference of the European Association of Chinese Studies (EACS))在拉脱维亚首都里加召开。来自欧洲各国以及世界其他地方的200多位汉学家、中国研究学者参加了本次盛会。
此次双年会的主题是“文化:一座拥挤的桥梁”(Culture is a Crowded Bridge),其意一在展示中国文化桥梁一般的独特性和丰富性,二在为各国学者认识、了解中国文化提供一条珍贵的通道。俄罗斯圣彼得堡东方文献研究所伊琳娜·波波娃(Irina Fedorovna Popova)教授在会上发表了主题演讲。按照研究的专业领域,会议提交论文被划分为语言学与文字、宗教与哲学、艺术与考古、古代文学、现代文学、古代史、现代史、政治与国际关系、当代经济与社会、法律、人类学与社会学、性别、环境与生态、表演艺术与媒体、汉语教学、翻译与诠释,及其他等17个大类。这些论文几乎涵盖了传统汉学和当代中国研究的所有领域,反映出当前欧洲乃至国际汉学界的研究热点、方法应用和所取得的成果。在3天的主会期内共进行9场次分组会议,每场次分组会又包括6-9个小组会议,与会者依据其研究领域参加各专业的小组会议。此外,本次双年会还召开了一次汉学图书馆和数字资源圆桌会议,并为各国学者的最新著作设立了专门的展览。
XVIII Biennial Conference of the European Association of Chinese Studies (EACS)
Riga, July 14th – July 18th 2010
The key for the 18th EACS conference was found in the image of the bridge as a man-made intersection that attracts, bundles and releases a diversity of destinations. Approaching a bridge one often becomes attracted by its uniqueness. No bridge can be doubled because each is the only connection between two spots on the shores of transient time. Each is constructed, some are destroyed by men, some are overthrown by urgent floods, and others remain bizarre spots in wastelands once forgotten by most travelers. Chinese culture, in the most comprehensive sense of the word, holds a manifold abundance of such often quite unsimilar bridges. One of them is currently built in the Baltics and visiting the EACS in Riga you will have a chance to meet some of the pioneers anchoring its first pillars.
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