Monday, July 12, 2010

Free Sakineh!

"Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, Iranian Mother, could be put to death at any moment

July 10, 2010: Following international condemnation, Iranian officials have reported they will review the verdict of stoning handed down to Sakineh Ashtiani… but execution is still possible. As is a brutally long prison term. Pressure must be maintained toward the only just solution – freedom.

An Iranian woman faces death after having been tortured for alleged adultery.

In 2006 Ashtiani was convicted of having an ‘illicit relationship’ and received 99 lashes. Since this time the 43 year old has been in jail where she recanted the confession she made under the duress of the lashing."

Save Sakineh

"La condena a morir lapidada de Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani ha conmovido al mundo. Pese a que las autoridades iraníes han dado a entender que van a conmutar su pena -el jefe de la autoridad judicial ha dicho que "por el momento" se suspende el veredicto "por razones humanitarias" aunque es "definitivo y aplicable"-, continúa la movilización de sus hijos, Farideh y Sajjad, y de las organizaciones de defensa de los derechos humanos. La campaña en la web para salvar su vida ( ha recogido más de 45.000 firmas"

El Pais


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